Saturday 21 June 2014

Vegan Toss Up

Prep Time : 10 mins
Cooking Time : None

Ingredient :

Carrot :  2 (Diced into small Cube )
Cucumber :2 ( Diced into small Cube )
Diced boiled Mushrooms - 6-7
Tomatoes : 1 ( diced into small cubes )
Onions : 1 ( diced into small cubes ) - This can be optional
Beet Root : 1 ( diced into small cubes )
Mint Leaves for garnish ( 2-3 )
Regular Chesses grated : 1
Olive Oil : 1 table spoon
Salt to Taste
mixed Herbs
Black Pepper : freshly grounded

Preparation : In a Big bowl add all the vegetable and add olive oil and grated chesses , mix well all the ingredient . All Salt to taste and Black pepper and mixed herbs.

Serve instant in a salal bowl and garnish with some fresh mint leaves
This is a complete meal and and a bowl full of goodness of health.
You can also serve same with hot soup and fresh bun .

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