Friday 4 July 2014

Sabudana (Sago )
 : 1 1/2 cups
Potatoes  : boiled and mashed : 3 medium
Ginger : finally chopped : 1 table spoon
Green chillies finely : chopped 3
Fresh coriander leaves : chopped 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Red Chilli  Powder : 1/2 table spoon
Cornflour : 3 table spoon
Oil to deep fry

Prep : Mix all the ingredient together and make a small balls of equal portion .

Tips : Please put some oil on your palm so that balls will come out smooth .
Put prepared balls in a freezer for 15 mins so that it will set nicely and once deep fired will be crisp .

Deep fry balls in a wok and remove excess oil in a tissue paper .
Serve hot with Green Chutney/Tomato Sauce . 

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